The Anchoring Force Test Method Of Left-Handed Longitudinal Ribless Anchors

2024/06/04 15:15

The anchoring force test method of left-handed longitudinal ribless anchors

Left-handed anchor without longitudinal rib has high strength, reasonable structure, large pre-tensioning force, can automatically adjust the direction of force, increase the binding force on the surrounding rock, and can realize mechanized rapid installation.

Advantages of left-handed anchor:

High strength anchor, reasonable structure, large preload, can automatically adjust the direction of force, increase the binding force on the surrounding rock, can realize the mechanization of rapid installation. It can be end anchor, extension anchor and full anchor, mainly used for high strength support of large deformation roadway in highland pressure mine, and also can be used for high strength, long-lasting roadway support of railroad, hydropower and other kinds of projects.

Mining anchor manufacturer to show us anchor anchoring force test methods, anchor anchoring force is generally carried out with a dynamometer, and now the general use of the underground is the anchor tensile strength meter.

Installation of the dynamometer process:

① Check the workbench liquid pressure gauge tubing connector in the tension meter;

② anchor articulation rod (internal thread) directly on the threads of the end of the anchor, screwed into the threads of not less than 30mm;

③ device sleeve, sleeve close to the anchor pallet, and then device jack (telescopic cylinder end outward, close to the nut), tighten the nut with a wrench;

④ Connect the oil pipe to the jack;

⑤Tighten the switching knob;

(6) Pressurize the operation handle with force and at an even speed, pay attention to the pressure gauge at all times until it reaches the designed anchoring force, and then slowly turn off the switch to remove the pressure.

The Anchoring Force Test Method Of Left-Handed Longitudinal Ribless Anchors

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